What is a P&C?

A broad but concise definition of a P&C Association as spelt out by WACSSO (The Western Australian Council of State Schools Organisation), the “parent” body with which most P&C Associations (including ours) are affiliated, is summarised as follows: –

“A Parents and Citizens Association is comprised of the parents, teachers and other interested citizens who have a common interest in promoting the education of our children. It helps to bring about communication and cooperation between students, teachers and parents and works to foster community interest in educational matters. It provides extra facilities and amenities for the school and works to provide a pleasant environment in which our children can gain the most benefit from their education.”

What does our P&C try to achieve?

The P&C endeavours to fulfil the above objectives by:

  1. Informing parents about aspects of our school and the children’s education and broader issues by organising guest speakers and discussions at monthly meetings.
  2. Fund-raising and buying necessary equipment for the school.
  3. Helping to beautify the school grounds.
  4. Organising social activities providing opportunities for parents and teachers to meet each other.

Addition services

The P&C provides a service to the school community by having special lunch days and a uniform shop. Uniforms are available for sale on the first Thursday of every month before school in the P&C store.

P&C Meetings

Meetings are held on Mondays in weeks three and eight of each term with notification through the school Newsletter.